Bat Mitzvah of Hava Susan Kantrowitz – June 1, 2013

Hava holding her Tallit

We are looking forward to your joining us on June 1st as Hava is called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah.  It is a precious moment in the life of the Jewish community when a child becomes a full participant in Jewish life.  Hava will now count in a minyan and be eligible to read from the Torah and receive an Aliyah.


Usually Bar/Bat Mitzvahs happen during services in a synagogue.  We have chosen to go “out of the box” and host this Bat Mitzvah at Prindle Pond Conference Center, a site for Nature’s Classroom.  In this venue, we are able to merge creative liturgical elements from different streams of Judaism, more specifically the Reform and Jewish Renewal movements.  Our beloved Rabbi, Matia Angelou has been ordained through Jewish Renewal, a movement inspired by the wisdom of Rabbi Zalman Schacter-Shalomi which emphasizes neo-Hasidic, Kabbalistic teachings and heart opening liturgy including meditation, singing, chanting and movement.  Our song leader, Greg Kellner, traveling from New York City, serves as Assistant Director at Crane Lake, a Reform Movement camp.  Please expect to sing and participate during the service!


We would like to thank you for making the effort to be there for Hava and for our family on this important day. See you on June 1st!


Many blessings,


Mike, Joyce, Hava and Joseph




We want to emphasize that the best gift you are giving is your presence at Hava’s bat mitzvah on June 1st.  Additional gifts are not necessary or required.  However, we realize that some people still are inquiring about gifts so we wanted to give some thoughts on that.  As most of you know, Hava loves reading and writing books, history, theater and language.  In light of that, she is saving up for a laptop for her writing and an iPod Touch to keep in touch with friends.  Or instead of a gift given to her directly, she would value contributions in honor of her bat mtizvah to any of the following nonprofits:

  • Elder Services of Worcester Area

The Elder Services of Worcester Area provides services to elderly and disabled people, making it possible for them to live in their own homes. As part of her mitzvah project, Hava interviewed and heard the life stories of elders in the community.  She wrote up these stories and gave them back to her new friends as gifts.  We have heard that funding for the meals on wheels program is being cut.  This program provides not only meals to elders in their homes but also a way to keep an eye out on isolated elders who may be living alone.


  • Kids Need to Read

Kid Needs to Read collects books for disadvantaged children across the country, enabling them access to the best thing in the world.  Hava loves to read and would love to see all children learn to read and have access to books.


  • Loggerhead Marine Life Rescue Sanctuary

When we visit Grandma and Grandpa in Florida, we also include a visit to the sanctuary which rescues hurt and endangered sea turtles.  Turtles are Hava’s favorite animals and she would love to raise funds to rescue at least one turtle.


  • Camp Celiac in Rhode Island

2013 will mark Hava’s third summer at Camp Celiac, a one week camp for kids with celiac disease in Rhode Island.  Hava would love to raise funds for scholarships to the camp so any child can attend,  regardless of personal finances.  Send checks to: Camp Celiac Scholarship
383 US Route One, Suite 1A  Scarborough, ME  04074



What to Expect

Having Hava’s Bat Mitzvah at Prindle Pond reflects some of our key family values, cherishing voluntary simplicity and sustainability.  Prindle Pond features a windmill which powers its facilities.  The new dorms also are graced with solar panels.  We are definitely on the “road less traveled” here.  There will be no DJ, no band, no extra party for “special” guests in the evening and the only “theme” is Judaism.  What we do have is a beautiful setting to relax in and explore.  The service, lasting about two hours, will be followed by a gluten free, dairy kosher style lunch catered by Inna’s Kitchen. Afterwards, our friends and family can have Shabbat time to talk, relax, take nature hikes or play gaga (an Israeli kickball game).  Yes, there are two gaga pits there! And if it is raining, we will just bring along a bunch of great board games!


What to Wear

Since the Bat Mitzvah is a special occasion, it is appropriate to dress in nice party clothes.  If you or your child would like to play gaga or go on nature walks after lunch, please feel free to bring play clothes.  We will have changing areas set up on site.


What to Bring

Please bring your own tallit if you pray with one.  If it is your custom to pray after eating, you can bring your own bencher.  We will have kippot, head coverings there for guests to wear at the service.  This is a strict gluten free event.  Please let us know what kind of snacks you will need for little ones who may not be able to sit through a long service.  We will make sure to provide gluten free alternative snacks and a space to play during needed kid breaks.


A Note About Kissing

As all of you know, Hava has had to limit all exposure to gluten (wheat, rye, barley, etc) since she   was diagnosed with Celiac disease three years ago. We wanted to let our friends and family know that gluten can be found in make-up, lipstick and lipgloss. If you are wearing make-up or lip products to the Bat Mitzvah, we request that you refrain from kissing Hava directly on the face so that she will be safe. Yes, it is crazy to know that even a loving kiss could make someone sick!


Driving Directions

Prindle Pond is a bit over 30 minutes from Worcester towards Sturbridge.  You might want to allow plenty of time to get there as you will be traveling on some meandering country roads!  Note that we will be meeting at Hilltop, not pondside.  Here are the directions:



For Out of State Guests Only


Hotel arrangements

We have reserved a block of rooms at the Holiday Inn Express, 10 Johnson Street in Auburn, Massachusetts situated between Worcester and Charlton.  You can reach the hotel at 508-832-8151 and ask for the rooms under “Kantrowitz Bat Mitzvah”.  The group rate of $115, available if you reserve by May 1st, also includes a large breakfast buffet.


There are also rooms available at Prindle Pond Conference Center for $40 a night.  The rooms located in new dorms feature two bunk beds and private bathroom.  They are nice, though sparse and camp like.  Please let us know if you are interested in this option and we’ll help work it out.  Additionally, we may be able to find local friends who can host out of town guests if you would like a more personal stay.  Just let us know what you want to do and we’ll help make it happen.



If you arrive by Friday, we would love to invite you to 7:30 pm services at Temple Sinai (661 Salisbury Street, Worcester).  Hava will be lighting candles at the service there that night.


We also invite out of town family and friends to our house on Sunday, June 2nd at 10:30 am for a very informal brunch.  We will be featuring our special chocolate chip pancakes and waffles along with other yummy stuff.  Please do not bring any extra food or drink.  We are a very strict gluten free household.  We live at 10 Chiltern Hill Dr. in Worcester, off of Flagg Street. Please let us know if you think you can come.




9 thoughts on “Bat Mitzvah of Hava Susan Kantrowitz – June 1, 2013

  1. jody and Alan Yoffie

    We are looking forward to celebrating Hava’s Bat Mitzvah with family and friends! THe Web site is great. All our love, Jody and Alan

  2. Felicia Shapiro

    The Shapiro cousins are counting the days until your special Bat Mitzvah. We are all so excited and happy for you and your family. All our love!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Lois Rosenfeld

    Hava, Since your Mom brought you to a tribe dinner when you were first born, I felt thet you and your family have a sweet and soulful specialness. I am so looking forward to spending some time learning about you-all tomorrow, Mazel tov!

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